Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
So, over the weekend I did what feels like my hundredth “big chop”. It constantly amazes me how little I feel attached to hair length or height. I feel just as beautiful if not more so, with short hair as I do with my afro. It wasn’t always like that. I’ve written and spoken about my “hair journey” several times and in several different places. Check out this post if interested.
These days what interests me most about my hair is ensuring that it is healthy, easy to style and fits my vibe (whatever that may be at the time).
So despite my hair being less than half an inch long right now, I still be doing my deep conditioning, scalp massages and all that. I also play around with different growth treatments because over the last couple years, I've grown out and cut my hair several times. One of the not so positive things with getting the types of cuts I usually do, my hairline gets a lot of action and as a result, from time to time I may have some patches which take a little longer to grow in, especially if I decide to let my barber do some of his signature designs.
Early this year , B.C (before Covid) , I had planned to grow my hair out a bit and lighten it up for the summer. I’m not sure how much of a summer I will have but I think I can still work on the hair growth. To help, I will be using Edge Naturale Follicle Enhancer. The product is primarily aimed at restoring thinning edges, but it’s also supposed to be good for bald spots and can even be used on beards and eyebrows. So this product is definitely multi-purpose.
I’ve been using the Edge Naturale for little over a week, mostly along my hairline and throughout the sides of my hair where I usually get carved designs. It has a minty fragrance probably from the peppermint oil and there is a tingling sensation when rubbed in. Is certainly feels like it’s stimulating the hair follicles. The texture is creamy, perhaps from the coconut milk and it’s easy to rub into my scalp. I’ve been using it as part of my night time skin/hair routine and I’ve actually noticed that the space left by the design I got last week has already grown in.
I’ll try my best to update you on my hair adventures and if you are interested in stimulating your hair follicles, check out Edge Naturale’s website.
Do you switch up your hairstyles with the seasons? How are you holding up with the changes that the world is experiencing?