Getting Some FaceTime

As an aspiring #SkinCareGirlie I was a little ashamed to admit that prior to a few months ago, I had never had a professional facial done. Why you may ask? Fear. As fun as they sometimes appeared I had the inkling that they could also be really painful….and boyyyyy was I right?!

I had my first facial at Face to Face and it was truly an experience. Equal parts pain and equal parts joy. I have been tackling acne breakouts for a while and I tend to get those deep seated under the skin pimples so my esthetician suggested an extraction session. I cried literal tears. But would I do it again? for sure. It helped to clear out things from my skin that I would not have been able to do with my at home routine and while it did take a few weeks to see some improvement with the scarring, my skin felt better immediately after the session My esthetician was also super knowledgeable and gently and made me feel really comfortable with the process (despite the pain).

I would love to be able to include facials as part of my regular skincare routine but they ain’t cheap so my plan is to see how best I can do at least 3-4 per year if the budget allows.

Have you ever had a professional facial? I would love to hear your experience!

If you want to see a video of me holding back tears during mine...check it out here.

Be good (to yourself and others)



The Thing About Skin…


Life Lessons