I’m Feeling 2022…

If 2022 feels like the end of the world then yes…definitely feeling it. I would like to pause to insert the audio below instead of my usual apologies for not writing more.

Despite the many ups and even more downs of 2021, I am grateful to have made it through the year with a little style and a bit of grace. That being said, 2022 is here and we know I love the feeling of a new year, bright , shiny and filled with optimism. This year’s words are Intention , Consistency and Awareness, three things that 2021 has taught me I desperately need.

Being intentional is a big focus for me moving forward as I realise I have been just letting the tide take me and I haven’t been thinking about my actions, my words and my general direction. I really want that to change. Thoughts become things and I want my thoughts , my truth and my actions to align. I do have more blog posts as part of my intentions for this year so stay tuned.

Love and Light,



Life Lessons


Sock It To Me!